Song of the Tanekaha – CD


Tanekaha is about helping with change. The nature of everything, the world around you is constantly changing. “I am that friend.”

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SKU: Tanekaha Song7 Category:


“Well done TreeWriter for trusting the process of writing this message while listening to the recorded process of our tree works.

Many people feel listless about change; about processing new and unfamiliar ideas and concepts.

Hopes and dreams pose an additional challenge. Much rests upon your perceptions of Self- Can I? Will I?

Change is a modicum within a moment. Change is nothing to be feared. To be fearful is a state you have been culturally conditioned to be in.

We, Tanekaha, are here to say how would it be if you had a friend constantly at your side? Standing by you.

Would this not make the balance of change and new concepts easier to handle?

Tanekaha is about helping with change. The nature of everything, the world around you is constantly changing. I am that friend.”


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